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LT Concept - Designs by Lee Thompson

© Copyright LT Concept-Designs

ABOVE: Two final CGi's for the CR 700P
BELOW: The finalised/ finished CR 700P
To "Brian Crighton" for the fantastic oppertunity and having faith by offering
me the opertunity in making history.
Click the picture of me on the bike to see it fly at Mallory Park.
Over 3 years went into the development of this bike where my task was to produce the looks that matched its engineering and power. Alternative after alternative later I got the uniqueness I was looking for. Development drawings, media output images, final bike graphics and paint design, paint spray guide, branding and logo work and promotion design and produced items kept me busy within this under the radar project. Working via phone and internet we made it happen...
CRIGHTON CR 700P twin rotor, RPC-cooled,
rotary engine, 200hp, 100lbs/ft torque 136kg (299lbs)
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